Yes, I know it's not really a word. I'm sure I made it up. Oh well. For those of you who don't know what a Filofax is, quite simply, it's a planner. Google can emphasize better than I. But I am now immersing myself in stationery, paper crafts, and all things planner. I currently do not own a planner. I've been on the look out for one. The Filofax is out of my price range. But I did get the tip off that my very wonderful mommy will be sending me one in the mail (along with tons of other goodies no doubt ^_^) and I'm starting to stock up on fun things and looking into thrifty way to personalize my planner.
Here's a little of what's in stock:
A small storage container filling up with pretty things

A pretty decent Haul from the Target One Spot!!!
As you can see, I found tons of stickers. There is a nice little Hello Kitty selection that I got excited about. Let's see from top left: Gold and Pink Alphabet Stickers, Hello Kitty Stacking Crayon, Hello Kitty Stationery Pack (Super stoked about this), Easter Foil Sticker Set (48ct I think), Bunny Faces Sticker Pack (You can actually mix and match face parts!), and some Spring Theme Foil Stickers. All but the Hello Kitty Stationery Set was $1. The set was $3
But I'm not complaining. Look at all that comes in it!!! That's a very sturdy box/ stand on the right that holds everything neatly for nice desktop storage and display. There are two different note pads (top left and bottom center). There are more stickers there, a nice pack of sticky notes at the top, and a gel pen!!! Try and find all that at Sanrio for only $3!
But wait, Not only is the pen gel, but it's PINK and GLITTERY!!! I didn't even hope for that. I actually thought it would be blue or black and I would have been satisfied with that. Yeah. You need to head to Target ASAP, people!!!
Ok, you can tell I'm excited.
Here we've got a very decent collection of things from Walmart. Most of it came from the Easter section. But hey, bunnies are cute year round...
For less than $2 I got this 10pc of Easter stamps. 2 sets of 5 designs. I kept 5 and will leave the doubles for the kids' arts and crafts bin ^_^
See, they're cute, right?
I apologize for the quality of images. I've been lagging on my photography and image editing a lot lately...
More Walmart Eater fun stuff. These were $.97 each. A very cute not-necessarily-Easter notepad (I even plan to utilize the thick cardstock backing), a pack of large Glittery Confetti Flower Cutouts, and a booklet of Easter Stickers. There are only a few pages of stickers in the booklet but I should have taken pictures because the set on the second page was adorable!
In the scrapbooking section, I had to contain myself (as always...) I found this nifty Page Kit. It comes with 4 printed pages, cardstock cutouts, stickers, and stick-on jewels! I love owls. This was on clearance for just over $2.
Even the card stock packaging that comes in this will be used. I'm very happy with this find.
A glimpse at the page designs. I know I'll probable use the flower print for some dollhouse crafts
So, there you have it. A small stationery haul. There are more things in that little tub than what I've shown you, but those things will make an appearance soon. Some I'm saving for something special that will be revealed in a future post.
I just can't wait for my planner to get here so that I can start to stuff it with all these beautiful things!!! Well, stay inspired, my friends!
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